All of the starsšŸ’«ā¤

Sometimes I wonder if the stars are the prettiest things there ever could be Twinkling in the night sky ; forming a graveyard of constellations.

They have been a mystery to me for as long as I can remember! And I guess I have and will love them forever.

When I look up at the stars, all I feel is happiness making me feel as if they are shining just for me.

Stars feel like home to me, a home I can dodge into when nothing else feels like it.

When nothing goes right, and everything feels just so wrong, I look up at the stars and they whisper back to me, “I am here for you, and everything’s gonna be alright.” I notice a sudden smile overpower my face and I know, once again, everything’s alright. And maybe that’s the soothing power of stars, they make everything seem just so right. And maybe that is why, I love them so much.

And lastly, all I can say about them is that, all of them stars, they are wonderful , a best friend or rather a person who stays with us forever, no matter where we are in life.

New Things.

Never forget to keep your life dynamic. Because where there’s change, where there’s new things, where there’s new beginnings, there’s happiness. Because all the new things bring new energy to our soul.

Isn’t it true that whenever you buy something new, it’s your new favorite? Isn’t it true that we all like to seek new opportunities? And explore new places? I suppose it is, because we all need constant change in our lives.

Yes change is gnarly, it’s scruffy, but it’s magnificent at the end.

We all would love to do the impossible, but how will we do it if we won’t allow ourselves to be open to new things? New beginnings?

Change is the key to a successful life. Most importantly a meaningful one. Because one day when you will be 80, resting in your sofa and looking back at your life, you will surely want it to be worth thinking of.

Keep grasping new values in life. Keep learning new things, each and every day. Keep improving yourself. And making yourself a better person.

Lastly, all I would like to say is, always keep redesigning your life. Forget about the past. Travel new places. Try new things. Make your life worth looking back at. Move on. And always be happy.



And I was lost.

Lost becauseĀ I was without you.

Lost with our memories.

Waiting until next time. The next time you come over.

Because you leaving,was the worst feeling .The worst thing that could ever happen to me. Staying away from you seems like a nightmare.

I don’t know who I am anymore. I am lost.

Without you here, I have been feeling so alone. Nothing feels like home anymore.

Your pictures and our video calls help me go through each day thatĀ  I have to spend without you.

The thought of meeting you in a few days, helps me go through today, and each day that I have to spend without you by my side.

I feel empty. I feel like one part of me is gone. Gone thousands of miles away. With you. Because you are the best part of me.

I miss you.

And trust me, it hurts.

The Start.

IMG_0394Hello World!

So I have decided to start a blog.

This blog.

You know when you shake a coke can and open it, it gets all fizzy and just explodes everywhere right? That’s how I feel  right now, I have so many things bottled up inside me that I’m hysterical.

My mom once told me to maintain a dairy, so that I can express all my feelings. Yeah, I tried it a number of times but it never really worked out.

So here I am, starting my own blog, so that I can express all my feelings that I am afraid to say out loud. So that I can be myself, without thinking about being judged or loosing my friends.

That is why this blog is going to stay anonymous.

I guess that went a little longer (I am sorry for that), so I end here.

Ps: I hope you like my start and this works out.

Until then, goodbye!