The Start.

IMG_0394Hello World!

So I have decided to start a blog.

This blog.

You know when you shake a coke can and open it, it gets all fizzy and just explodes everywhere right? That’s how I feel  right now, I have so many things bottled up inside me that I’m hysterical.

My mom once told me to maintain a dairy, so that I can express all my feelings. Yeah, I tried it a number of times but it never really worked out.

So here I am, starting my own blog, so that I can express all my feelings that I am afraid to say out loud. So that I can be myself, without thinking about being judged or loosing my friends.

That is why this blog is going to stay anonymous.

I guess that went a little longer (I am sorry for that), so I end here.

Ps: I hope you like my start and this works out.

Until then, goodbye!




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